How to deal with criticism (LIKE A PRO)

This video is about how to deal with criticism effectively. The speaker, Dami, shares his experience of receiving criticism from his colleagues and how it affected him emotionally. He then explains that receiving feedback can be challenging, and it is important to categorize the different types of criticism, such as evaluation, coaching, and appreciation.

How to deal with criticism (LIKE A PRO)
Discover Activity - Discovering Your Inner World

Previously, we said our engine comprises of a few part. And even we are like the same engine, but our harddrive saves different things, behave differently. This chapter teaches how brain works — how brain perceives an image and drive our behavior

Discover Activity - Discovering Your Inner World
The difference among body, brain, and mind

Our engine comprises of a few part. Body is a components like motherboard, brain is like a hard drives, neurons are like cables, and mind is a pattern of nerve connections in your brain…..

The difference among body, brain, and mind