The AAA Framework - Ali Abdaal

The AAA framework often reveals underlying motivations and barriers that we might not initially recognise.

The AAA Framework - Ali Abdaal
Bouncing Back with Gain Recovery Calculator: The Art of Recouping Financial Losses in Leveraged Investments

In the realm of leveraged investments, recovery from a downturn is anything but straightforward. Take, for example, a 2X leveraged ETF that suffers a 50% loss. Contrary to intuition, a mere 50% recovery won’t suffice; a full 100% gain is imperative to return to square one. Such truths often startle the unseasoned investor. Our new interactive tool cuts through the complexity, allowing investors to input their own figures, see precisely what recovery demands, and navigate the treacherous waters of high-stake investments with greater surety.

Bouncing Back with Gain Recovery Calculator: The Art of Recouping Financial Losses in Leveraged Investments
Zero to One Extract: Questions that every business must answer

Following is about the questions to ask that every business must answer. It is extract on the chapter 13 of the book Zero to One by Peter Thiel:

Zero to One Extract: Questions that every business must answer