Created date
Jun 15, 2022 06:01 AM
Book Review
Natalie Reynolds
Author : Natalie Reynolds
When to read this book : 1/2/2021 - 26/2/2021

What are the Reading objectives?
Where do I wanna get to?
  • Learn how to negotiate for my salary
  • Get good in negotitation
  • Get great at job interviews
What do I already know?
I know nothing about Negotiation
How much time can I invest?
2 hour per week
How am I going to schedule this learning plan?
What is outside the scope of this learning objectives? [Frame your box]
Can I use data analytics in aid of the process of negotiation ? (Text analytics)

What not to do — common mistakes

think about how to 歸納

3 types of people when negotiating
The avoiders
  • uncomfortable
  • we thought we knew the outcome
  • We don't wanna jeopardise relationship
The givers
If you ......... then I .........
The fighters
Don't make others they are fooled
20 Common mistakes :
Common mistakes 1 : Thinking negotiation is all about winning
Common mistakes 2 : Thinking you can avoid negotiating altogether
Common mistakes 3 : thinking great sales people are great negotiators
Common mistakes 4 : not knowing who you are really negotiating with
Common mistakes 5 : thinking all negotiations are the same and that they all are a battle
Common mistakes 6 : never changing or adapting your style of negotiation
Common mistakes 7 : trying to get too comfortable
Common mistakes 8 : giving things away for free
Common mistakes 9 : thinking it’s all about you
Common mistakes 10 : uncertainty on making the first move ( anchoring)
Common mistakes 11 : not opening ambitiously enough
Common mistakes 12 : arguing rather than negotiating
Common mistakes 13 : fearing “no” when “no” is just a springboard to maybe
Common mistakes 14 : always trying to be “fair “
Common mistakes 15 : obsessing about getting to “yes”
Common mistakes 16 : making empty threats and pointless ultimatum
Common mistakes 17 : assuming that good things come to those who wait
Common mistakes 18 : thinking you are a special case
Common mistakes 19 : assuming that everyone shared your values
Common mistakes 20 : thinking there is such a thing as natural-born negotiator
The DEALS Method - how to get ppl to say yes
Discover - how to research [34:29]
step 1 : Insight lockers - questions to define the nego
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Step 2 : define which types of nego you are in
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steps 3 : Variable mapper - List out all the possible issues
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step 4 : Preconditioning - Think of how you anchor them and they anchor you
Establish - understand the priorities of both sides
  • Something valuable to you might not be valuable to them, so you have to understand their assumption on what values them
step 1 : How to understand your counter parties ?
  • What does success look like to you?
  • what are the risks
  • what are the worst case senario
  • What are your plans?
  • What are your priorities?
  • How can we help you?
step 2 : Establish their give and take
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step 3 : buyers breakpoint
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step 4 : Prioritise the variables
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Ask - plan your proposal - how to anchor others and don't get anchored [35:00]
step 1 : propose your plan - if I then you
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step 2 : variable pick&mix find the total value of your nego
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step 3 : possible plotter - what can be traded?
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Lead - manage the nego
step 1 : make an agenda
step 2 : deal sheet capture the deal
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step 3 : Nothing is agreed before everything is agreed
step 4 : The holding pen to summarise what we have come through so far
step 5 : Climate control and the diplomats
step 6 : control the time!
Seal - end the deal
step 1 : Near and summary
step 2 : Post-deal and paperwork
step 3 : future proof the deal
step 1 :
The psychology of negotiation
The gender and culture of negotiation

What is the lesson?
what QUESTIONS did the author raise?
Why does nego matters to us?
We usually nego, but just that we do not realise it.
People you nego with :
  1. Co-workers for whom to take the tasks
  1. suppliers, customers, partners and clients for pricing, terms and condition
  1. Salespeople, estate agents and service provider for longer living period
  1. Partner for who takes care of the kids
  1. Family
  1. Children
*** How do you stop yourself from being a victim of the little voice in your head?
  1. Admit the little inner voice is there
  1. Listen to it
    1. Try listening to your inner FEAR, CONCERNS and APPREHENSION
    2. Try to write it out
    3. reflect what it said
  1. Counter it
    1. Turn the negative to the positive (Say you think you do not worth that much or think that the boss will never agree that figure)
    2. use this insight by turning (Why you are worth that much or what your employers are paying the level of your expertise)
  1. Convince yourself that you are worth
  1. Recognise the counter party also gets their own little voice
    1. take some time to think about what their fears are
RMB : the reason why we are fearful is we are in lack of preparation

Any opinion?
How do you use them?
What questions do you wanna generate for space repeatiton
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Jason Siu
A warm welcome! I am a tech enthusiast, passionate about learning and self-discovery.
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