How do we create our feeling?

This chapter teaches us how our emotion triggers. Feelings are created when external stimuli are interpreted and assigned a meaning. This happens quickly and often without our awareness. The meaning we assign to a stimulus generates an emotion, which in turn generates our reaction. Understanding that our emotions come from the meaning we make of thoughts or external input allows us to change our thoughts and choose better responses. This cycle happens millions of times every day and the tricky part is that we are usually only aware of the first stimulus and the emotion, the meaning is typically out of our awareness. The real author of our feelings is not the other person but the meaning we make out of whatever caught our attention.

How do we create our feeling?
A Quick Primer on BPM: Business Process Management

The purpose of this article is to provide readers with a quick introduction to the domain of BPM and to point out some excellent readings on BPM and related topics.

A Quick Primer on BPM: Business Process Management