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Mar 19, 2023 11:16 AM
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By understanding the four areas of the Johari Window, we can work to identify our blind spots and hidden biases, recognize areas for personal growth and development, and improve our interactions with others.
Urgent + Important
The terms "unknown known", "unknown unknown", "known unknown", and "known known" are part of a framework known as the "Johari window". The Johari window is a tool used in psychology and communication studies to help individuals and groups understand their relationships with themselves and others.
  • "Known knowns" are things that we are aware of and that others are aware of, such as our skills and abilities, our habits, and our behaviors.
  • "Unknown knowns" are things that we are aware of but that others are not aware of, such as our hidden biases or unconscious habits.
  • "Known unknowns" are things that we know we don't know, such as a skill we want to learn or a question we need to answer.
  • "Unknown unknowns" are things that we don't know we don't know, such as a piece of information that we are completely unaware of.
In general, the Johari window can be used to increase self-awareness and improve communication and collaboration with others by identifying areas of overlap and differences in what we know about ourselves and what others know about us.
Understanding the Johari Window is important because it can help individuals and groups to develop better communication, self-awareness, and interpersonal relationships. By recognizing and acknowledging our blind spots and unknown areas, we can work to improve our self-awareness and improve our relationships with others. It can also help us to identify areas for personal growth and development.
Here's an example of how to identify the four areas of the Johari window in a real-life situation:
Let's say you are working on a team project with several colleagues. As you work together, you notice that one of your colleagues is not contributing as much as the others. You may identify the following areas of the Johari window in this situation:
  • Known knowns: You and your colleagues are aware of each other's job roles, skills, and responsibilities. You all know what you are supposed to be doing for the project.
  • Unknown knowns: You may have some hidden biases or preconceptions about your colleague's lack of contribution, such as assuming they are lazy or uninterested in the project. These biases may be influencing your interactions with them without you realizing it.
  • Known unknowns: You may not know why your colleague is not contributing as much as the others. You could try asking them if they need help or if there is something preventing them from participating fully.
  • Unknown unknowns: You may be completely unaware of certain factors that are affecting your colleague's participation, such as personal issues or conflicts with other team members.
By identifying these areas of the Johari window, you can work to increase your self-awareness and improve your communication with your colleague. For example, by asking open-ended questions and listening actively, you may be able to uncover the reasons behind your colleague's lack of participation and work together to find a solution.
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So, here:
  1. Unconsciously incompetent = Unknown Unknown
  1. Consciously incompetent = Known Unknowns
  1. Consciously competent = Known Knowns
  1. Unconscious competence = Unknown Knowns
  • Unconsciously incompetent: unaware of what you don't know, comfortable phase
  • Consciously incompetent: aware of what you don't know, uncomfortable phase, but necessary to develop skills and knowledge
  • Consciously competent: starting to understand what you need to do, but need to keep practicing, feeling more relaxed and confident
  • Unconscious competence: gained enough experience and feedback to operate effectively without thinking about it
  • Understanding the stages and what it takes to move between them puts you at an advantage in your career
  • It's possible to keep moving through the stages even after reaching unconscious competence by taking on new responsibilities or starting a new rolerereviewr
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Types of communicationHow to deal with criticism (Type of feedback)

Jason Siu
A warm welcome! I am a tech enthusiast, passionate about learning and self-discovery.
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