How to read an academic paper properly

The following are the posts related to the techniques when reading academic materials. This repo serves as an introduction and instructions on how to read academic papers by understanding the structure of it, and offered some advices in particular to academic paper and generally.

How to read an academic paper properly
Autopilot: The Mind’s Three Favorite Options

This chapter teaches us what are the subconscious patterns in our mind. Not until this chapter mentioned them, we do not notice, or even think about how these benefit and detriments our life at the same time.

Autopilot: The Mind’s Three Favorite Options
Discover Activity - Discovering Your Inner World

Previously, we said our engine comprises of a few part. And even we are like the same engine, but our harddrive saves different things, behave differently. This chapter teaches how brain works — how brain perceives an image and drive our behavior

Discover Activity - Discovering Your Inner World