We Don’t Know What We Don’t Know: Exploring the Johari Window

By understanding the four areas of the Johari Window, we can work to identify our blind spots and hidden biases, recognize areas for personal growth and development, and improve our interactions with others.

We Don’t Know What We Don’t Know: Exploring the Johari Window
The 5 Vocal Foundations of Great Communication

In a video, Vinh Giang discusses the five aspects of vocal communication that make someone a great communicator. These are the rate of speech, volume, pitch, tonality, and the power of the pause. Varying these aspects can keep the listener engaged, convey confidence and authority, make the message more memorable, and add emphasis to certain words or phrases. Practicing these five foundations of vocal communication can help individuals become great communicators.

The 5 Vocal Foundations of Great Communication
How to deal with criticism (LIKE A PRO)

This video is about how to deal with criticism effectively. The speaker, Dami, shares his experience of receiving criticism from his colleagues and how it affected him emotionally. He then explains that receiving feedback can be challenging, and it is important to categorize the different types of criticism, such as evaluation, coaching, and appreciation.

How to deal with criticism (LIKE A PRO)
Communication models

I come across a few frameworks in effective communication, and summarised them in this article.

Communication models